Thursday, September 13, 2018

Follow, Read, Listen, Grow #3

Solid Christian resources have become my love language in the last year. I am also a girl who loves to write without an abundance of time. I plan to post resource recommendation posts once or twice a month in hopes that I can share tools the Lord has used to grow me, as well as keep the rust off the writing portion of my brain. 

Previous Post

***Christian resources are a wonderful gift from the Lord to stir our affections for Him, but they are not meant to replace corporate worship and community with the local body of Christ. If you currently do not have a church home in the Purcell area, please consider visiting Emmanuel Baptist Church. If you do not live in the same area, please do not hesitate to reach out for help in finding a gospel-centered church in your location.***


Twitter: Matt Smethurst

I have no idea when or how I came across Matt, but I frequently find myself retweeting, liking, and meditating upon the nuggets of truth and thought-provoking tweets he posts. He is the managing editor of The Gospel Coalition. In the last week, he has shared a lot of great content. Follow him and catch up!

Instagram: Kristin Schmucker

Kristin is the founder of The Daily Grace Co., which you know I geek out over on the daily. I recently started following her personal Instagram account and have been so encouraged by her testimonies each day and the snippets she shares of her studying endeavors. 

Facebook: Tim Challies

Tim reviews a LOT of Christian resources. I find several books of interest and steer clear from a few based on his reviews. He also blogs and shares quotes from authors regularly. You can (and should) follow him on any social media platform!


Everyone needs a good study Bible and this one is my personal favorite. My BFF Jen only likes for us to use commentaries after we have dug into the Word on our own, but anything that I question or wrestle with beyond a week of study, I look up here. Verse by verse commentary is the tool I use the most, as well as the introductions and historical context given at the beginning of every book. 

Christian Classic: The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This book is a classic for many reasons. I read it for the first time this year. It is one you could chew on for a lifetime. It was extremely convicting. This specific edition had a short biography of Bonhoeffer at the beginning of it. I think it only made his writings all the more weighted. He lived out what he believed. May it be the same of us!

Yes, I put that in the correct category. Women can write theology, too! ;) This was Jen's second book, the first in looking at the characteristics of God. None Like Him focuses on the characteristics of God that are distinctly God's. For example, the book covers His omniscience, eternality, and sovereignty. Jen does a great job exalting God and showing our limitations as humans, and why it IS good thing.

Sometimes I think many people are scared to read books authored by well-known theologians. Truth be told, I am not sure I would have ever found this specific book on my own. It was a free gift at the TGCW conference this summer. It could easily be in the "Classic" or "Theology" section, but I loved how this excerpt from one of Calvin's longer writings brought out so clearly how our theology (what we believe about God) directs our everyday, practical living. 

The subtitle was really long to include above: How God Shaped Women of the Bible and What He Wants to Do with You. MacArthur takes an up close and personal look at 12 women in Scripture and pulls out timeless truths about God in their lives that can apply to all women today.

Marriage: Happily Ever After: Finding Grace in the Messes of Marriage by Desiring God

Desiring God (John Piper and many others) put together this 30-day devotional. My husband and I went through it together a couple of years ago. For a month, I felt like it covered a great variety of topics that always need to be discussed in any Christian marriage. 

Russell Moore is one of my favorite authors, ever. Adopted for Life was what first introduced me to him. Orphan Care is a new category this round. This book had to be the first mentioned. It is a close look at the doctrine of adoption and the command of James 1:27 for EVERY Christian.

My son has recently fallen in love with songs and books that have to do with motion. This movement primer is one of our favorites. Each page has a movement command and scripture reference that pairs. We read it nearly every morning. 

A group of church ladies and friends abroad completed this study over the summer. It was a phenomenal time diving into the Old Testament references and seeing Christ as better--our Prophet, Priest, and King. It is another free study with weekly audio teachings. Do it alone or grab a group of friends!

Here is another new category! I have got to share a little behind-the-scenes reason for this new one. A few weeks ago I was at a conference lunch when a woman shared what daily devotional she used and was just going on and on about it. Instead of speaking up and offering a more biblically sound option, I missed a good opportunity and just sat silent. So, I decided this category is necessary for any and all who come upon it. 

I have only ever used a handful of daily devotionals, but most of them have 365 days and are significantly better than what you'll find at the airport bookstore. Tripp's is a great one!

Piper had Jen join him for three episodes of "Ask Pastor John" at the end of last month. The link is only for the first episode, but you can easily access the other two from the page. I know this also could fall into the podcast category. I prefer to read the transcripts when possible. Reading is kind of my thing. ;)

Consider the Lilies Throwback: The Bride

Have you ever heard our wedding story? Well, this is the post that began the blog way back when. This post shares more truth that I STILL have to remind myself of. There is a much funnier version that you can look for or wait until October's post. 


Podcast: Risen Motherhood

They are BACKKKK! My Wednesday morning breakfast, boy bath time, and kitchen clean up routine involves Risen Motherhood. From snacks to evangelism, they cover the ins, outs, ups, and downs of motherhood--always, always pointing listeners back to the gospel. Added bonus: This week's episode featured my girl Jackie Perry as a guest! 

The room was PACKED at this conference with young moms and nursing infants. It was by far my favorite workshop that I attended in Indianapolis. I had never heard of Aimee before then, but I knew as soon as I saw the title of the workshop that it was for me. That it was! She made sure we all knew we weren't going to walk away with a fix-all. I know I walked away with more--and even a practical application on Sabbath rest from her testimony. All exhausted moms, give yourself the time to listen!

Parenting is clearly a repeated theme in this post! My pastor finished the book of Ephesians since my last set of resources. This specific sermon covered Ephesians 6:1-4. It was an excellent reminder of the importances of parenting as Christian parents. 

Song: Death Was Arrested LIVE by NorthPoint Inside Out

I have loved this song since I first heard it on the radio. A few weeks ago, I was listening to Pandora and this LIVE version came on. It is even better than the original version. I have since listened to it a TON and still get goosebumps every single time! 


Scripture Memory: Scripture Memory Cards
Journaling: Highlighting Guide

The above are still all from The Daily Grace Co. I just continued to be extremely impressed by the quality and intentionality of their products. I am a fan for life!

Bible Study Tools: Sing a New Song: A Guide to the Psalms

I left out the "women" part of the title because I've been reading a psalm a day for 30 days and using this book as a guide. There has not been any material that is gender-specific. It has been a really helpful tool for understanding each psalm's context and digging into each one a little deeper.


Headphones: Austin Stone Worship on Pandora (shouldn't change what isn't broken)

Thanks for checking out the resource post #3! Let me know if you have followed, read, listened, or grown using anything mentioned before or after this post. If you have any specific questions about something or someone listed or your own recommendations for me, reach out on social media! 

At His feet,

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Follow, Read, Listen, Grow #2

Solid Christian resources have become my love language in the last year. I am also a girl who loves to write without an abundance of time. I plan to publish resource recommendation posts once or twice a month in hopes that I can share tools the Lord has used to grow me, as well as keep the rust off the writing portion of my brain. 

Previous Posts

***Christian resources are a wonderful gift from the Lord to stir our affections for Him, but they are not meant to replace corporate worship and community with the local body of Christ. If you currently do not have a church home in the Purcell area, please consider visiting Emmanuel Baptist Church. If you do not live in the same area, please do not hesitate to reach out for help in finding a gospel-centered church in your location.***


Twitter: Ray Ortlund

I found Pastor Ray Ortlund on Twitter through Beth Moore. (Hey now! Watch it. Stop hating. She will show up here soon enough.) Ray tweets almost daily with 280 character truths to point his followers to the Gospel. Twitter can be scary these days. Ray's serious tweets and pictures of his dog make it a better place to scroll!

Instagram: Risen Motherhood

RM will be mentioned over and over again. They have rich, gospel truths for mamas in the trenches. They post the same material on every social media platform, but their Insta stories are phenomenal to catch throughout the day. 

Facebook: Desiring God 

John Piper founded this web ministry in 1994. (Wait--they had internet then?) Desiring God has many, many different resources on widespread topics all rooted in glorifying God by being most satisfied in Him. Several articles or videos are posted every day to DG's Facebook page.


Bible: ESV Premium Gift Bible

My sweet, big dog (RIP Rumble) chewed up my ESV thin-line Bible three days before Christmas last year that I had had since my freshman year of college. I was devastated because no amount of tape would repair it. Thanks to Amazon Prime, I got this beauty before Christmas. This is the Bible I use for everyday use!

Christian Classic: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

The categories may change from post to post due to me forgetting books read over the years and deciding what category certain books fit in. This classic by C.S. Lewis was probably the first "Christian classic" I read. My husband and I talk about it at least weekly. It brought spiritual warfare to my attention unlike ever before. Lewis's letter format between a demon and his nephew makes it an interesting read on its own, but it is filled with many warnings and encouragements to followers of Christ.

Theology: Everyone’s A Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology by R.C. Sproul

Is it crazy to call a book on systematic theology your favorite? Go ahead, call me crazy! I will be returning to this one for specific questions often. Sproul is known for making difficult ideas easy to understand. He also makes the case in his introduction that we are all theologians. It is not a matter of if we study theology or not; it is a matter of if the theology we have is good or bad. I do not know about each of you reading, but I want mine to be good.

Christian Living: Onward: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel by Russell Moore

We are living in such a divisive political climate right now. I mean, I struggle with not jumping in mud pits on Facebook every day and I am not confrontational in the least bit. Moore's book is such a timely read for American Christians. He elevates seeking the Kingdom of God over seeking political victory. It is a convicting read for Christian conservatives, liberals, and every category in between.

Motherhood: Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman 

This is one of my most favorite books on motherhood because Gloria did such an incredible job steering into realms of SPIRITUAL motherhood, not just strictly biological and adoptive. I would encourage every WOMAN to pick this up and see mothering in different capacities as a God-given mission.

Marriage: The Mingling of Souls by Matt Chandler

This book is hardly on my book shelf at home. It is constantly being borrowed. I think Matt does a great job fighting the cultural fluff and craze with looking at how God designed marriage and intimacy. He uses examples that are relatable to every one of us and stays very real and transparent throughout. Matt and Lauren often do LIVE streams over The Mingling of Souls. They also have a Bible study and DVD series to go through with a small group. 

Parenting: Show Them Jesus by Jack Klumpenhower

Parent, grandparents, youth ministers, Sunday school teachers--basically anyone that knows a child--you need to read this! As someone who grew up in a Christian home and the church, I think this needs to be read again and again to remind us we are not after moralistic gains in our children. We are after souls that need to see Jesus as their Savior! Klumpenhower pairs the why and the how-to's so well in showing children and youth Jesus.

Children’s Book: T
he Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Speaking of seeing Jesus, this has by far been my most favorite children's Bibles to date. Why? "Because every story whispers His Name!" The illustrations are fun and engaging, even for my rambunctious 18-month-old. Every story ends with a focus on Christ. Upon reading it through for the first time, I saw Jesus in stories I had not seen him in before, even as an adult. (Where were these solid children resources when I was little?)

Fiction: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

As noted before, I do not read a whole lot of fiction. Francine Rivers is one of my favorite fictional authors because she uses the Bible as a launching pad for creating her stories. Redeeming Love is a fictional retelling of the story of Hosea. It is a story of a relentless pursuit of someone who the world would deem "unworthy," which clearly points to the larger story of God pursuing us as sinners. 

Bible Study: God of Creation: Genesis 1-11 by Jen Wilkin

I grew up in the church. I thought I knew these stories by heart. I know firsthand that the Word is living and active, but I never dreamed there was so much more information between the pages of Genesis 1 and Genesis 11. Jen is my favorite Bible teacher and she did an incredible job in this 10 week study bringing things to light that I had never seen before in the God of Creation.

Blog: Know the Neighborhood by Jen Wilkin 

I warned you the first time around you would see Jen's name often. Everything she writes or says just clicks with my brain so well. Although I had no idea what movie she was talking about, the tourist versus local analogy in reading the Bible resonated with me. I want to know Scripture like I know the streets of my little hometown. 

Consider the Lilies Throwback: Sole Purpose

August means BACK TO SCHOOL. In a different life (Just kidding! Only a couple years ago...), I spent my summers preparing to return to a classroom of littles in August. I wrote this at the end of my first year when I recognized my sole purpose as an educator. I hope it is an encouragement to new and seasoned teachers alike!


Podcast: The Broken Loaf Podcast by Wally Kelly

My pastor has a daily devotional podcast. It is an excellent resource to begin or enhance a quiet time. He mentions the daily readings first for listeners to pause and read. Then he ends with a 3-4 minute devotional and prayer over a specific section within the daily reading. 

Conference Session: A House Divided Cannot Stand by Matt Chandler at MLK50

There is so much I could say about this conference altogether. I listened to most of the sessions trying to understand race issues in this country and especially within the Church better. The whole topic is something I do not want my brothers and sisters in Christ to see me as apathetic towards just because it is uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Listen with humility and learn.

Sermon: Expressions of the Gospel-Centered Walk by Pastor Wally Kelly

What should the Christian look like? Well, imitators of God for starters. Pastor Wally walks through Ephesians 5:1-21 tackling temptations and sin that are so prevalent in our time and exhorting Christians how to love, be pure, be wise, and be spirit-filled as we strive to walk as children of light. 

Song: Your Mercy by Austin Stone Worship

Ahhhhh. This song is beautiful and amazing and has been on repeat in my house and car to get that silly Blippi tractor song out of my head. I learned of Austin Stone at TGCW18 and now they are my new favorite worship band.


Scripture Memory: Daily Grace Scripture Memory Journal by The Daily Grace Co.
Prayer: Adore Card Set by The Daily Grace Co.
Journaling: Bible Pen Set by The Daily Grace Co.
Bible Study Tools: Be Still Journal by The Daily Grace Co.

I decided to jump in with both feet and become an affiliate with The Daily Grace Co. I have just been overly impressed by their products. Every piece I have purchased is beautiful and most importantly, intentional. I have been sharing my link on my Facebook and Instagram, so keep your eyes peeled for great sales. 


Nightstand: The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

Headphones: Austin Stone Worship Station on Pandora

Kitchen Table: Raised Together: A Study on Colossians by Gloria Furman

Thanks for checking out the resource post #2! Let me know if you have followed, read, listened, or grown using anything mentioned before or after this post. If you have any specific questions about something or someone listed or your own recommendations for me, reach out on social media! 

At His feet,

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Rakes and Shovels, Mary and Martha

An article from Desiring God has a quote that I share often with the women whom I study scripture with regularly: “Raking is easy, but all you get is leaves; digging is hard, but you might find diamonds.” This quote has resonated within my heart, mind, and soul to transform my daily time spent in the Word as a mission for diamonds. I may not find one every single day, but on the days the Lord blesses me with a diamond, it is FAR more precious than any amount of leaves I could ever rake. 

After finishing one book of the Bible with two weeks before our women’s group kicked off another book of the Bible, I decided to complete a study that is a little different than what I usually gravitate towards. Daughters of Grace: The Women of the Bible and the God of Grace by The Daily Grace Co. completely surpassed my expectations (so much so, that I think I may be brave and remotely teach through the 6 week study over the winter holidays—maybe—stay tuned!)

Early this week, with shovel in hand, I found myself with two very familiar sisters in the Gospels—Mary and Martha of Bethany. The same, exact point is usually taught (only to women) when we hear this story: Women, be a Mary, not a Martha. However, when I dug deeper into the stories of these sisters, I found both men and women should desire to be more like BOTH Mary and Martha--and not just mimicking Martha’s housekeeping skills. (insert eye roll emoji)

I want to share about the diamond I found in the life of Martha first to get her name and reputation cleared from what most lessons misuse of her well-known story. Martha welcomes Jesus into her home. Her sister, Mary, sits and listens to Jesus teach. Martha becomes frazzled by the duties she was trying to juggle—dinner, placemats, dishes, dessert, seating arrangements, who knows what all. Overcome by her frustration, she lashes out at her sister and waits for Jesus to back her up. (Paraphrase from Luke 10:38-42)

Obviously I can only speak as a woman, but I would assume when men hear this story, the initial thought is the same--our flesh nature is quick to say we would be Mary. We treat Martha’s worries over the hospitality and entertainment as something we would not have dreamed of fussing over in the presence of Jesus. 

Yet, when we honestly examine our own lives, we see something far different. Our time and thoughts would show we are overly concerned with work, family, friends, laundry, dishes, food, reputation, exercise, flower beds, hobbies, news, social media, etc., anything other than being with Jesus. Jesus’s gentle rebuke to Martha should put our own priorities into proper perspective. 

“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portions which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

This is usually where the rakes quit on Martha. She goes down in our minds as an obsessive housekeeper. Surprisingly, we do find her in another familiar bible story; she just is not the main character. With shovels in hand, we can take heart in seeing how her life was radically transformed by Jesus’s rebuke in her home. 

Some time later, Martha and Mary's brother, Lazarus, was sick. They sent for Jesus to come. Jesus chose to wait because (SPOILER ALERT) he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead. No one else knew that. Lazarus died. His sisters grieved. When Jesus had made it to Jerusalem on his way to Bethany, people told Martha and Mary he was on his way. Scripture says Martha went out to meet him, when he was still about two miles off. That phrase alone jumped off the page to me. This woman who in the prior story was consumed by her to-do list, drops everything during a busy, difficult time and goes to Jesus. And that is not all we are shown of her life change. The statements she makes to Jesus show a faith that has grown tremendously:

“Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.” John 11:21-22

“I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” John 11:24

“Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.” John 11:27. 

What happened to Martha between the dinner in her home and this interaction? I think it is easy to see that after Jesus called her to desire the good portions that will not be taken away, Martha began to live a changed life of choosing the one and only thing necessary—she chose to sit at the feet of Jesus over any other concerns (both good and bad) in life. 

The diamond in Mary's life is an easier one to see, but still difficult to apply. All four gospel accounts mention Mary, though not always by name. We do not know when Mary had the initial experience of realizing Jesus was the better and necessary thing in life. However, based on where we always find her in Scripture, we know she believed it wholeheartedly. Every story that Mary of Bethany is in, she is found at the feet of Jesus: dinner in her home (Luke 10:39), after the death of her brother Lazarus (John 11:32), and anointing Christ before Passover (John 12:3)

John's account is the only one that names her as Mary at the anointing. Matthew's and Mark’s accounts simply refer to her as "a woman at Bethany" and note Martha is serving this dinner six days before Passover at a man named Simon’s house, with their brother Lazarus reclining at the table. Those details matter. Mary was more than likely not an invited guest to the table. She enters the room with a pound of expensive ointment, lets down her hair, and anoints the feet of Jesus in a beautiful act of worship that Jesus himself says will be remembered wherever the gospel is proclaimed (Mark 14:9). Mary did not ever allow any sort of cultural expectations (or even her sister’s expectations early on) to stop her from falling at Jesus’s feet and worshipping Him as her Savior and King. 

As followers of Christ, we can learn much from both Martha and Mary in Scripture simply by putting down rakes and picking up shovels. 
We need to realize our priorities are all out of whack living in the flesh.
We need to be transformed by the gentle rebuke Jesus gives to choose the one necessary thing, Himself. 
We need to be willing to humble ourselves and our faith be grown by steady obedience to His Word. 
We need to be people, without hesitation or thought to others, that are always found at His feet in worship.

May it be so. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Follow, Read, Listen, Grow #1

Solid Christian resources have become my love language in the last year. I am also a girl who loves to write without an abundance of time. So, Consider the Lilies is being revived (yet again) with bi-weekly resource recommendation posts in hopes that I can share tools the Lord has used to grow me, as well as keep the rust off the writing portion of my brain. 

***Christian resources are a wonderful gift from the Lord to stir our affections for Him, but they are not meant to replace corporate worship and community with the local body of Christ. If you currently do not have a church home in the Purcell area, please consider visiting Emmanuel Baptist Church. If you do not live in the same area, please do not hesitate to reach out for help in finding a gospel-centered church in your location.***


Can you use emojis on blog posts? (No!) Because this girl is FIRE! Do not just stop at Twitter. Follow Jackie on everything. She speaks truth. She is hilarious. Enough said.  

Instagram: Only The Gospel
Jamere is a college friend who runs this account with the intent to bring posts directly from Scripture to your Instagram feed. All the frilly, cute stuff that fills our feeds is usually taken out of context and elevates you more often than God. OTG’s posts are going to exalt Christ, point to the gospel, and make you think. They may even make you slightly uncomfortable and that is a good thing. 

Facebook: The Gospel Coalition 
TGC is an organization that provides all sorts of encouraging and educational Christian resources. They post several articles every day pertaining to a wide-variety of topics. 


Y’all—it has Spurgeon’s handwritten notes in it. That is so cool! Plus, the Christian Standard Bible version is great!

I was so excited to finally read this classic on the attributes of God at the beginning of this year. I am normally a quick reader, but I had to really slow down to digest each chapter. Favorite quote by far: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

Christian Living: Radical by David Platt
If you have not read this, you are slightly behind. There is still time, so go ahead and put it at the top of your list. It turns American Christianity on its head. If that does not sound good to you, that is reason you should read it all the more. 

I read this book when my son was just a few months old in 2017. Maggie did an incredible job attacking motherhood fleshly desires and concerns and replacing the lies with Gospel truths. 

One of my best friends is reading this now per recommendation (well, if you call showing up at her house with a stack of books when she really only asked for one a recommendation, then...). It dives into the mystery of marriage and what earthly marriage represents spiritually. 

I like Paul Tripp A LOT. Even though I have not had a chance to read his two most recent books, his parenting book was by far and away my favorite work of his thus far. He also does a live simulcast conference on marriage or parenting a couple of times each year. 

It is safe to say this may be my favorite children's book ever. I read it to Rhettson in the womb and I am pretty sure we have read through it at least 20 times in his relatively short life. I have also been known to take it to bible studies and read portions out of it. It is a must have, for children and adults.

It has been at least 7 years since I read this book, but I still find myself thinking about it and talking about it often. Francine covers the women in the lineage of Christ from a fictional standpoint and it is absolutely fascinating. 

Bible Study: James by Jen Wilkin
James was my second Jen study that I completed one-on-one with a friend. I refer back to the notes I took at least weekly. You are going to see Jen’s name A LOT on my recommendation posts. She is a gifted teacher that graciously provides free bible study and audio resources. She has several book studies to order, as well. Like I said, she will be back (again and again and again).

Mama friends—do yourself a favor and follow RM on Facebook to see their daily blog posts. They post each mid-morning, so I usually have been covered in yogurt, yanked at my own hair, and changed 2 diapers by the time I see it and need to be reminded there is much more going on in my home than I realize. 

Consider the Lilies Throwback: Isaiah 61
I occasionally enjoy recalling the days where I wrote a little more often. Here is a personal favorite from 2014.


Podcast: Pastor Talk
Skylar, another dear friend from college, now pastors the church I attended in Weatherford. He is joined by Trinity’s Worship Pastor, Larry, to discuss a wide variety of topics through a Christian lens. You are made to feel as if you are in the room discussing with them. They usually post on iTunes every Thursday. Do not worry if it is not there a week, chances are I have already texted Skylar to file a joint complaint. 

I probably should not start with the closing session of The Gospel Coalition Women's 2018 conference, but it goes real well with this post’s, WOW! Three pages of notes was still not enough.

Here is a close look at who Christians were before coming to Christ and what we should look like and continue striving towards afterwards. 

This song was recorded live at the conference mentioned above and has a real cool story to go along with it! 


Scripture Memory: How to Study the Bible Cards by The Daily Grace Co
Prayer: Weekly Prayer Cards by The Daily Grace Co. 
Journaling: Highlighter Set by The Daily Grace Co. 
Bible Study Tools: Bible Study Cards by The Daily Grace Co.

The Daily Grace Co. is basically my new obsession, as you can tell. Men, everything listed above would be great tools for you, too. You can easily look passed the floral prints. ;)


I am totally geeking out over this one, y’all! Currently, I am over halfway through and will most definitely share more details about this gem soon. 

Phone AppNew City Cathecism
This app is amazing! My app lives in the child version and has worked itself in our morning routine due to the awesome songs for kids. We listen during morning playtime. Rhettson likes to dance and Mommy memorizes the children's version of the cathecism. 

This is the first study I have purchased from TDGC. Wow! It is surpassing my high expectations! Side note: The Daily Grace Co. has a Facebook group called "Lamp and Light" where they complete online Bible studies together. This is the study they are starting on August 7. 

Thanks for checking out my first full list of resources! Let me know if you have followed, read, listened, or grown using anything mentioned before or after this post. If you have any specific questions about something or someone listed, reach out on social media! 

At His feet,

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Amazon and Ace.

Had someone told me 5 years ago I would one day attempt upon making my home chemical-free, I would’ve laughed in their face. I was the queen of Lysol wipes and Clorox bleach.

(For the record, I don’t believe there is ANYTHING wrong with either product. I’ve learned what I’m diving into takes time and people don’t have a whole lot of extra time. This is not a shame post, by no means. It’s strictly about by new adventure.)

Yet, today I put on a Refined T, threw my hair in a messy bun, put mascara on, and tried a new Lipsense color to drive to Norman for one thing—liquid castile soap. 


I woke up this morning ready to fully dive into the pool of DIY cleaning products. All soap recipes that are hidden in blogs like this call for such a product. I had initially planned on grating my own, BUT I couldn't find that pin again on my Pinterest. I found another telling me to NOT dare put that soap into my precious Vitamix (Baby would be tasting soap with his homemade food for basically ever) or waste my time grating it along with my finger skin. It sounded scary enough for me to want to find it in already liquid form. When I Googled "liquid castile soap" this morning, Target showed up with the little blue banner that said, “In Store.” 


I searched every aisle for liquid castile soap with no luck. Thankfully, I got quality time with my sister, Chick-fil-a, and Starbucks. The trip wasn’t totally a waste. What more could a SAHM ask for, right? Also—upon further investigation, I found Google had put my location in to north OKC and I was not going to drive that far for soap. Instead, I ordered a gallon off Amazon. WHO BUYS SOAP FROM AMAZON? This girl. I seriously am not sure who I’ve become. (My sister did some math and I’m glad I didn’t find it in Target. I’m saving money per ounce, for sure!)

Four weeks ago, I ordered a big jug of Thieves household cleaner (FOR FREE—ask me how; I dare you!) to start this process and also posted the cute picture of my oils that I finally pulled out from a drawer. The next day I spent an hour making sprays and rollers for things I use or needed to begin using every day—bug spray, healthy hair spray, tummy tamer roller, baby bug spray, a linen refresher spray, thieves hand spray, air freshener spray, aches roller, blemish roller, sleepy time roller, immune boost roller, etc. You could say I was a bit excited! (There are entirely too many recipes right here to link, so HERE is a link to my Pinterest board if you want to search for a certain one or are curious to what else I plan to try and repin!)

(Side story: I use that thieves hand spray on everything! Baby dropped his toy in the floor? I spray it. Grocery carts at Walmart? I spray it a million times. Restaurant tables? Duh! Well, I got my first “look” at a restaurant that will remain unnamed for being this weird mom, but I was NOT going to let my teething baby mouth on a table that had been wiped with a dirty rag for weeks. EW!!! For once in my life, the look didn’t bother me. One could say I’m a proud oil user now.)

I waited on the Thieves cleaner for what felt like forever until it finally arrived last weekend! Then I made my favorite product thus far—household thieves spray. I cleaned my entire house with is this week and LOVE it—not sure how I’ve cleaned without it. To replace my beloved Lysol wipes, I made Thieves wipes from paper towels and the cleaner. I ran out and tried to get the cardboard thing out of the middle of the next roll and failed. I fixed that problem today after spending ten minutes in the paper towel aisle at Walmart looking for paper towel rolls without the roll. I bought cheap washcloths instead—less waste! Woo!

I didn’t let the lack of liquid castile soap steal any of my thunder either. I marched myself into Ace and bought a 5 gallon bucket with a lid to be ready to make my laundry detergent the moment it comes in. The man who helped me find the bucket thought I was crazy. I may be. Just kidding. I know I am.

I came home and made fabric softener, scent boosters (some people like their laundry to NOT smell. I found some people who like natural products, essential oils, AND scented laundry), dishwasher tabs, rinse aid, dryer sheets (with washcloths), and more thieves wipes (the reusable washcloth kind).

Naturally, I had to blog about such a day. I wouldn’t recognize myself 5 years ago and 5 years from now when this comes up in Timehop I may have abandoned the cause. Nevertheless, tonight I feel like Super Woman—Amazon soap and Ace bucket buying included.